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ALFA Leadership Development Programme

ALFA Leadership Development Programme

Leadership is a set of professional skills that need to be taught. ALFA Consultancy provide a Leadership Development Course which is designed to help all managers and leaders develop the essential skills to influence and motivate their staff to achieve exceptional performance, create and maintain an efficient, effective, and motivated team and improve their ability to communicate with their team and your customers

ALFA Consultancy Leadership Development Package can either be delivered to your aspiring leaders or first-time manager training which is an important part of any leadership development program, with the need for quality training essential to build a solid foundation to start managerial careers.

ALFA Consultancy provide excellent, passionate, engaging, experienced leadership training, which includes, indoor and outdoor practical activities in the heart of the Yorkshire dales. We provide training based on clear business relevant experience with 40 years of hands on leadership experience at all levels, which includes 4 years teaching leadership at the world famous Royal Military Academy Sandhurst (home of leadership) to potential officers of the armed forces. In addition we have delivered leadership presentations at major events in UK and Europe.

With the ever changing world of work, the need to move at pace and be agile your leaders leadership skills are challenged more than ever before, however the skills that allows us to deliver great leadership are not taught early enough through the development of our front line leaders. ALFA Consultancy have a range of packages to address this issue and to help and support all organisations develop a “Leadership Development Programme” to support the future and current leaders within your organisation.

These presentations are designed to assist in delivering safety / leadership presentations at any of your major events or indeed to assist in any internal leadership development programme that you may be running. These presentations will be relaxed, interactive with audience participation and will enhance and really add value to your organisations event. ALFA Consultancy have the experience of delivering such presentations at major events throughout UK and Europe. (email for more information)

This course is delivered at our fantastic training facility at Aske Hall North Yorkshire, in the heart of the Yorkshire Dales where your leaders can come away from the normal pressures of your working environment and relax and enjoy the course. This course is a fantastic course with day one looking at such things as leadership skills, communication and listening skills, resilience, conflict resolutions, unconscous bias, leadership types and much more with a number of indoor and outdoor activities. On day two we move to our practical outdoor leadership activities area where all delegates can put into practice the learning’s from day one of the course and let’s not forget the fun factor. (email for more information)

Delegate comment” Neil just wanted to say thank you for the past few days. It has been brilliant, definitely learnt a lot, not only about how you apply the leadership skills to my job, but also learnt a lot about myself!” 

This course can be delivered at our fantastic training facility at Aske Hall North Yorkshire, where your leaders can come away from the normal working environment and relax and enjoy the course, or the course can be delivered in house.  Leadership skills are relevent for all potential leaders, we believe your workers first promotion is because they have done a good job, every subsequent promotion is based on their proffiecency of their soft skills such as interpersonal and leadership skills which are the skills that are not taught. Leadership skills define your success as a professional. A specially designed one day course for all levels of leadership, which will focus on leadership types and skills, communication & listending skills, interpersonal skills, qualities of leadership, followership and much more. (email for more information)

Delegate comment “The location for the course is great. The facilities are second to none – ample parking on site. Nothing was too much trouble for Neil – a really worthwhile course that I would happily recommend to anyone else looking to either develop existing Leaders within their organisation, or looking to increase the skills of newly promoted Leaders”

This course will be designed with all clients to support your internal leadership development programmes. ALFA Consultancy will work closely with all clients to ensure that we are aligned to the client’s delivery needs. (email for more details)